CAMO SMS – Safety Management Systems considerations
In prior posts we have looked at risk identification, management and mitigations – we will next consider SMS and how we might interact.
CAMO SMS – Safety Management Systems considerations
In prior posts we have looked at risk identification, management and mitigations – we will next consider SMS and how we might interact.
Aircraft Leasing & CAMO Required Paint Documentation
We need to remember that the paint process whether it is a simple logo application or a complex new livery that both are considered an aircraft modification.
As with any modification you will need to have certain documentation and oversight to perform the work.
CAMO Risk Management – Mitigation & Control Measures
We have looked at how we can identify and evaluate risk in previous posts; when we evaluate risk it is possible that we might identify risk that is at a level we cannot accept to work with.
With any risk value – the lower the number, the better; and typically, a threshold will be set at which a risk value becomes unacceptable. So, what can we do and how can we look at making risk acceptable to work with?
Aircraft Painting – Bare Metal Inspection (BMI) & Lease Awareness
We have just added a Paint Awareness Course to our website and below is an extract on BMI to give you a sample of one of the many considerations that Airlines, Lessors and Consultants need to be aware of during the paint process.
CAMO Risk Management and use of a Risk matrix
We have previously considered some topics for awareness regarding risk assessment and safety management; today we will consider how the use of a risk matrix can assist you.