Mid Lease Review Engines, APU and Landing Gear

On one of our posts last week we highlighted some typical documentation that would be retrieved at a mid-lease inspection and in particular reference to Airframe, this week we have attached a sample of documents that may be requested for Engines, APU and Landing Gear.

Remember also that as the consultant representing the lessor you will be asked to format an opinion on your observances to determine if the Airlines has;

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Continuing on from last weekend’s post, A key part of CAMO SMS Safety Management and Risk Registers is to safety management is the appreciation of hazards and determination of the risk.

If we can identify and appraise the current known risks, then we have an ability to manage these. As a high-level appraisal, we can look at the following considerations.

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The capture of Technical Records at a Mid-Lease Inspection is a very topical subject in the industry at the moment.

Since the very quick Airline return to service post the Covid pandemic it is very noticeable that Airline staff levels that supported this function, the retrieval of these records or granting electronic access to the owners/lessors is not yet back to where it needs to be.

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Safety Management & Consideration of Change

Safety management “seeks to proactively identify hazards and to mitigate the related safety risks before they result in aviation accidents and incidents”

While we cannot remove all risk from what we do, we are left in a situation when we must learn to work with and manage the risk; we need a method that will enable us to make risk-based decisions.

Learning to manage risk and make risk-based decisions as an integral part of the organisational structure.

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