During an end of lease return check there might well be additional work requests from the lessor.

When an aircraft is leased to a lessee from the lessor it is provided in a certain configuration and to a standard. Ultimately this scenario is replicated at the lease hand back when the aircraft is returned.

The lessor is interested in maintaining the asset value and always having a marketable asset, in many cases one aircraft will be transitioned from one lessee directly to another.

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With aircraft lease obligations, the awareness of their impact above and beyond airworthiness requirements is of concern as their impact can be costly in both matters of finance and time.

Within a lease agreement there is many different conditions that will be specified for an aircraft lease – they are the interface for the return and lease of the aircraft.

Remember that the lease is concerned more with asset value protection that the primary concern of airworthiness only. The lease is there to protect the asset or investment that the owner has made.

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Within aircraft leasing, the importance of having a good awareness of maintenance plans is a paramount concern. The AMP or aircraft maintenance program is a list of tasks and requirements of what must be done to the aircraft and when. It is derived of many sources which all detail intervals or thresholds for these tasks, an example of the sources for the maintenance program includes the maintenance planning data which is from the aircraft manufacturer along with many others such as airworthiness directives and also service bulletins and repairs carried out or modifications also.

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The considerations for an aircraft reliability program and interrogation considerations can be initially daunting in the concept as to how we control the data, what we choose and how we determine its value.

There are regulations that require the reliability program for an aircraft and within the document there is also guidance. If we consider a EASA document there is a couple of bits to be aware of initially, it can be easy to skip the introduction in the regulation and go directly to the regulation itself.

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When an aircraft is leased out from the lessor to a lessee there is a multitude of different requirements that must be satisfied and for the engine removals and subsequent installation and or storage.
Some of these requirements apply directly to high value components on the aircraft such as the engines. In many cases the engines are the single highest value part of the aircraft regarding a single component.
The engine, of course, is expected to wear and has a defined lifespan for some parts. Additionally, the engine is exposed to risk from impact or ingestion (such as a bird), or even just damage from a surge in severe weather conditions which can all result in the engine being damaged.

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