Aircraft leasing, particularly in technical lease reviews, entails understanding various terms and concepts vital to the aviation leasing industry.

One of these terms is “Green Time,” associated with engine leases.

A “Green Time” engine is typically older and has a limited remaining life on its key components, often termed as Life Limited Parts (LLP) or Safe Life Items (SLI). Such engines might come from aircraft set to be scrapped and are available at reduced lease rates or even purchase due to their reduced life.

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Aircraft Reliability in the Management and Operation or aircraft plays a pivotal role in the management and operation of aircraft as being a mandatory requirement to monitor and consider. Though the scope of a reliability program is often categorized using ATA Chapters, such as the ATA100 group, it’s not solely determined by it.

Reliability management doesn’t operate in isolation, and it requires collaboration with various stakeholders or areas for example. including Powerplant – looking at the engines and APUs, or structures – looking at the structural components of the aircraft. A cohesive strategy necessitates that all areas and stakeholders’ concerns are addressed, and there needs to be seamless flow of information. Reliability is sourced from multiple areas and this needs to be reported in a timely and responsible way. Such procedures and the associated information flow should ideally be documented, most notably in the Continued Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME).

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Aircraft Maintenance and considerations for awareness begins with looking at the aircraft’s design, creation, and ongoing safety are managed through stringent regulations and procedures. At the crux of ensuring an aircraft’s safety post-production is the Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP). The AMP’s origin traces back to the aircraft’s design and creation phase.

EASA, the European aviation regulatory body, relies on a series of Certification Specifications (CS) to ensure aircraft safety. CS25, for instance, elaborates on the requirements for “Large Aeroplanes” during their certification process. This document and others like it guide aircraft manufacturers in meeting the necessary criteria for safe design and functionality. CS26, in contrast, discusses Airworthiness Specifications for Operations.

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Aircraft Lease Return and the Aircraft Physical Review is complex and performing a structural physical review of an aircraft is a critical aspect of aircraft leasing and return. This process can be carried out by a range of people, but the benefit of the right person cannot be underestimated.

The task is requiring detailed knowledge, experience, and vigilance.

Overlooking or failing to query defects can lead to issues such as ground time, a lost flight and lease revenue impacts. Hence, the implications of this review are far-reaching.

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Service Bulletins commonly referred to as “SBs” are airworthiness documents that originate from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

When leasing an aircraft, the lessee is typically provided a complete certified list of all Service Bulletins (SB) incorporated on that specific aircraft, covering its entire operational life, not just the period of the lease.

A comprehensive detailed report should be made available to the concerned parties, detailing the full SB status.

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