Component Traceability for Life Limited Parts (LLP)

When an item is considered to be a Life Limited Part it means that the item has a limit which forms a part of the initial design.

Once the life limit is reached then the item is no longer considered to be serviceable and as such will require removal form the aircraft.

Some items can have multiple limits applicable to them such as some engine components; and others such as a part of a landing gear may only have one limit.

Either way we need to know the history of the part from when it was “New” in order to verify the history and confirm the accuracy of the remaining life.

This can be more complex with the engine parts as one engine might be used on different aircraft models and be set at different thrust ratings for each.

Typically, a higher thrust rating sees a reduction in life of the LLP with a lower threshold being set as a result of the higher thrust setting. Remember an engine may be run at different thrust settings across its life, so you need to consider this during a review.

For this purpose, we look to confirm the history of the part from when it was “new” and this is considered it’s “birth” – so when we mention Back to Birth, this means the full history of a part.

When an item contains multiple LLP parts (such as an engine or landing gear) we need to note the lowest remaining life part – this part then becomes the “limiter”, for example the point at which the item must be removed or overhauled.

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