There are many different registrations that we see in aviation and each of these different registrations will have its own set of rules and requirements.

These are upheld and managed by a national aviation authority (NAA) who is responsible for a specific registration. Many NAA’s will share some common ground such as EASA member states, although the NAA for a specific country / registration can have additional requirements or specific timelines associated with a task.

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Aircraft Lease Transitions – Structural Repair File & Repair Categories

An aircraft will over its life have repairs carried out on it; these can be based on accidental damage or could be from environmental exposure for example.

As the damage is found it will be assessed and ultimately repaired – noting the repair may be a series of inspections and leaving the damage “as is”.

One important concern with the damage can the ICA (instructions for continued airworthiness) and this is where we consider a repair “category”.

The ICA are what we have to do in order to maintain the airworthiness of the aircraft and based on a
repair being carried out there may be reduced and or additional instructions that must be now
carried out.

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Last post we considered Airworthiness Directives (AD) and their embodiment date and noted this was the CRS (Certificate of Release to Service) date we would be using for this purpose.

We noted that some AD’s might be repetitive in nature; for example repeat an inspection every 500 flight cycles (1 cycle = a take-off and landing).

In the EASA system, the owner/CAMO is not required to keep the works orders or task cards commonly referred to as the dirty fingerprints (DFP)., i.e. the exact time of the performance of the maintenance which in our case is the AD action. 

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