Engine Life Limited Part Considerations

Last week we noted landing gear LLP (Life Limited Part) and some considerations, while a similar concept to landing gear, an engine LLP have some additional factors to be aware of.

An engine can operate at multiple different thrust levels, for example, the CFM56-7 on the Boeing 737 NG series where one engine can be used on different variants and the thrust changed accordingly. Often the LLP life is based on a thrust setting – the higher the thrust rating the lower the life.

The awareness of the LLP history is very important, as the LLP’s remaining life may change based on the prior thrust setting. This means you need to know the history of the part since it was new (Back to Birth Tracing), which will include the thrust levels with the duration of operation at this level.

For an engine review, typically then you need to determine the LLP (Life Limited Part) limitation for each LLP item (Engine Cycles would be the most common limiting factor for an engine).

The overall limiting factor then for the engine is the lowest limit LLP remaining life, or reason that a component requires Overhaul or Replacement – we would then compare the lowest life LLP or limiting factor to the lease agreement to determine if the lease conditions are met.

There are multiple other engine considerations and appropriate statements / certification should be provided etc; but awareness of the impact of engine thrust ratings on LLP life is a very important consideration during lease transition on such a high value asset.

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