Aircraft Leasing – Service Bulletin Considerations at end of lease – Engines

Service Bulletins commonly referred to as “SBs” are airworthiness documents that originate from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

When leasing an aircraft, the lessee is typically provided a complete certified list of all Service Bulletins (SB) incorporated on that specific aircraft, covering its entire operational life, not just the period of the lease.

A comprehensive detailed report should be made available to the concerned parties, detailing the full SB status.

Key Features of the SB Status Report you would look to see include:

– Letterhead: The report should be on the letterhead of the company issuing it.

– Aircraft Metrics: This includes the aircraft’s operational hours, cycles, and other essential metrics for major subcomponents as applicable.

– Identifiers: This includes the Aircraft MSN (Manufacturer Serial Number) and registration.

– Sign and Date: The report should be signed by Quality or CAMO and dated as close as possible to the lease review or redelivery date.

Understanding the Lease Agreement & SBs is key, and the lease agreement will have specific stipulations regarding SBs and the records required to be compliant such as for example:

-A list of incorporated SBs and their method of incorporation which will include the manufacturer’s SB report.

– An Engineering Order (EO) for partially complied SBs.

– Dirty Fingerprints (DFP) for SBs completed either partially or wholly.

Engines Requirements can differ a little as the engines might not be the same as originally installed on the aircraft; as such they will have their own records.

The status of SBs for an engine starts when the engine is manufactured, this status report is created by the manufacturer during the engine build and gets updated as more SBs are released and incorporated throughout the engine’s life.

Post any Shop Visit (SV), the repair shop will issue an SB report detailing the work done during the SV.

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