Aircraft Reliability Training & The Value To An Operation

The value of the reliability data is important to the airline operating the aircraft not only to demonstrate compliance as a reliability programme is required by regulation but also to amend the Aircraft Maintenance Program for the operators’ aircraft (such as extending or reducing interval threshold) based on their experience and operating environment.

Understanding how, why, and what we can use the data for is also very useful when accepting or dealing with aircraft returning on lease. We can analyse this data to create information that allows us to see components or trends which might be of concern.

Reliability looks at the aircraft in its entirety regarding trends and or monitoring. It is a requirement for the operator to ensure that reliability monitoring is achieved, and the data has multiple uses –both to the airline and interested parties not directly operating such as lessors or authorities additionally.

The value of an operation is the reduction of downtime and increased availability of the aircraft.

Learn more about reliability, how and what to analyse, and what the determinations can mean on our aircraft reliability training course and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn for more.
