Last Done / Next Due (LDND)

When we speak about LDND at an end of lease (EOL) review we are referencing a list of all maintenance tasks applicable to the aircraft being returned and we are outlining when any given task has been last performed and when it is next due. The LDND is based on the approved maintenance program (AMP) of the airline and is an important document that illustrates the current maintenance state of an aircraft.

The technical consultant will request a CERTIFIED list from the current operator (lessee) and typically will download this to an excel document in order to easily identify the Task Number or MPD number along with the Task Code (this details what must be done) and the intervals by which it is required either in Calendar Days, Flight Hours or Flight Cycles.

Your LDND excel is typically divided in to headings similar to those listed below;
*MPD – Systems, APU and Powerplant
*MPD – Structures
*MPD – Zonal
*MPD AWL (Airworthiness Limitation Items)
*MPD CMR (Certificate Maintenance Requirements)
*STC (Supplemental Type Certificate) requirements
*ICA (Instructions for Continued Airworthiness) requirements
*EICA (Electrical Instructions for Continued Airworthiness) requirements
*D+B (Dent and Buckle) requirements

The AMP (Approved Maintenance Programme) is specific for an aircraft and as such is influenced by many factors; the operator/airline might change thresholds accordingly so always consider the lease return conditions as it is usually against MPD intervals.

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