Lease Conditions and Maintenance Considerations

When an aircraft is returned at the end of a lease period the aircraft’s maintenance plan will have evolved from that at the time when the aircraft lease began, which is normal, as for example the Maintenance Planning Data (MPD) changes and so the AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Programme) evolves in line.

It is also possible based on an operator’s requirements that task intervals will change (increase or decrease); typically, this might be based on reliability or the specific operating environment – additionally there might be local regulation requirements that apply.

It is important to be aware of as this, as the lease will typically detail a return requirement regarding a maintenance plan and thresholds.

The aircraft lease may require that the aircraft is returned inline with MPD thresholds, or the AMP thresholds may be acceptable. It is important to familiarise yourself with the return condition for threshold consideration.

A statement in the lease may include “pursuant to the MPD”; as the AMP and MPD can differ this is an important distinction to be aware of.

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