Aircraft Repossession & Asset monitoring – Aircraft Leasing

The lessor who is responsible for an asset often worth tens or hundreds of millions of US dollars will want to keep a keen eye on their asset. Not only is the asset protected by a lease agreement detailing multiple conditions to be met at aircraft return and conditions throughout the lease, but there will also be clauses that might allow an aircraft to be taken back in extreme circumstances.

It is therefore very important to maintain frequent and regular communication with the lessee not only to manage the relationship, but also to maintain oversight of the asset.


Some areas that you might consider as a lessor when maintaining an asset could be aspects such as:

Maintaining communication and watching the lessee communication – does it slow down or stop.
Operationally does the airline cancel or change routes at a short notice period.
Monitor media and blogs, for example flight Crew blogs.
Are some reports or feedback becoming a concern regarding utilisation for example.
Are there changes of senior management.
As is the case now for some operators, consider the political stability of countries that airline flies into.

We might also be able to review and consider elements of financial reports and stability of they are
vailable and or published.

This is not a comprehensive list but offers an insight into some additional considerations. There is
also, multiple protections that lessors can take out such as insurance against asset value for example, but this is a whole separate subject!

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