Modifications Status Review

Once the returning airline has provided a certified list of the Modification Status you are then able to look at the major and the minor modifications embodied as per the Modification Report.

The “Dirty Finger Print” (DFP) review of the technical records and in particular for any modification classed as Major will need to demonstrate details of an STC “Supplemental Type Certificate” along with all the data, manuals and very importantly a letter confirming that the modification has a “right to use” confirmation letter.

The technical consultant will normally create a folder for each modification on their computer and start to populate the folders with the information listed below;
* Modification approval number ensuring appropriate regulatory approval exists.
* Modification design requires EASA Part 21J, for FAA establish equivalent approval
* Right to Use Letter (RTU)
* MDL (Master Data List) and all documentation listed is required
– MOD Manuals
– MOD Wiring Lists
– MOD Installation Instructions
* ICA (Instruction for Continued Airworthiness) requirements are accounted for in the AMP and at correct thresholds. (LDND may detail tasks).
* EICA (Electrical Instruction for Continued Airworthiness) requirements are accounted for in the AMP and at correct thresholds. (LDND may detail tasks).

For the full comprehensive list of items to review as part of a mod status report then please check out the IALTA Technical Lease Training Programme which will also demonstrate how to perform AD reviews, SB reviews, Structure reviews, Component reviews, Engine and Landing Gear reviews plus lots of additional “How to” information required at a lease transition on behalf of an Airline or Lessor.

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