Hard Time Items: The Ticking Clock of Aircraft Leasing

The aircraft you see is largely a fuselage, but to make the aircraft function is a vast array of components, each playing a role in operation. Among these components are the “hard time” items, also known as time-controlled components or TCI and these are the ticking clock of aircraft leasing along along also with life limited parts. These parts have a predetermined serviceable lifespan, measured in flight hours, cycles, or calendar time, after which they must undergo mandatory maintenance tasks regardless of serviceability to maintain airworthiness.

Why Hard Time Items Matter in Leasing

In the world of aircraft leasing, hard time items become a pivotal consideration. Lessors and lessees must meticulously track and manage these components to ensure compliance with aviation regulations and maintain the aircraft’s value. Any oversight or lapse in maintenance can lead to costly consequences, including grounded aircraft, lease disputes, and potential safety hazards.

The AMP Connection: The Blueprint for Maintenance

The Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP) serves as the guiding document for managing hard time items. It outlines the specific maintenance tasks, intervals, and procedures required that we then apply for each component, ensuring its continued airworthiness throughout its operational life.

  • Tracking and Compliance: Lessors and lessees rely on accurate records and meticulous tracking to ensure that hard time items are maintained in accordance with the AMP. This involves monitoring flight hours, cycles, and calendar time, and scheduling maintenance or replacement as required.
  • One entry in an AMP can affect multiple items, for example slide overhauls can apply one task in the AMP to may items on the aircraft so checking and cross checking can become complex.
  • Certificate of Release to Service (CRS): Each hard time item that undergoes maintenance or replacement is accompanied by a CRS, such as an FAA 8130-3 or EASA Form 1. These certificates provide crucial information about the component’s maintenance history, including the last required action performed and its remaining lifespan, we can not use the installation date as the actions required are our main concern.
  • Lease Agreement Compliance: Lessors and lessees must carefully review lease agreements to ensure that maintenance and replacement of hard time items are carried out in accordance with the agreed-upon terms.
  • Airworthiness Directives (ADs): ADs are mandatory instructions issued by aviation authorities to address safety issues or improve aircraft performance. Lessors and lessees must diligently monitor and comply with any ADs that impact hard time items or their maintenance procedures, reduced life on a specific part number or serial number range can impact and reduce life for a component over the AMP.

Managing hard time items requires a combination of technical expertise, meticulous record-keeping, and adherence to regulatory requirements. Aviation professionals specializing in technical records and maintenance planning play a crucial role in ensuring that aircraft remain safe, airworthy, and compliant throughout their operational life.

Interested in delving deeper into the complexities of hard time items, aircraft leasing, and maintenance management? Follow us on Linked in visit IALTA.aero website to learn more about our specialized courses in aircraft leasing and maintenance management